Common Myths about Laser Hair Removal Mississauga

28/02/2021 17:54
Most people have unwanted hair. There are dozens of options nowadays for getting rid of this hair including waxing, shaving, tweezing, electrolysis, plucking, threading and using depilatory creams. Some of these alternatives are short-term, expensive, ineffective and inconvenient while others will only make your hair grow back thicker. Since its introduction, laser hair removal Mississauga has proven one of the best options for getting rid of unwanted hair. Even so, the myths surrounding this treatment has kept some people from investing in it. Here are some facts to debunk the myths you might have heard about laser hair removal.
It can damage your skin and is painful
A few people think that laser hair removal Mississauga is painful and will damage your skin. Fortunately, thanks to technology, the procedure is now painless. Some centers also use skin serums and topical serums that numb the treatment area to make the procedure painless. Hair naturally sheds from the follicle in laser hair removal, so there is no skin damage.
All your hair will regrow
After a laser hair removal session, some people kiss unwanted hair goodbye for several months or years, and sometimes indefinitely. Laser hair removal Mississauga is a semi-permanent hair removal option. Thankfully, the hair that grows back, if it does, is often less thick and dark than before.
You only need one treatment session or two
Laser hair removal needs several subsequent sessions for it to have the best results. With repeated sessions, your hair follicles are slowly destroyed. This means that after some time, you often permanently get rid of your unwanted hair.
With the myths you might have heard now debunked, it is time to sign up for laser hair removal. When considering your options, opt for a center that has certified estheticians for the treatment. This guarantees the right skill is used in your session to minimize the risk of any untoward effects.