Hair Restoration Toronto: Lifestyle and Habits for a Successful Hair Transplant Recovery

10/05/2022 14:48
Before going for your hair transplant appointment, some essential steps must be taken post-surgery to ensure that you give your hair the best chance to thrive. There are plenty of factors that affect various hair transplant phases. The below insights will go a long way in ensuring that your hair restoration Toronto is successful. 
What you eat after a hair transplant will affect how strong and healthy your new hair follicles will be. Selecting foods and supplements that are beneficial to the hair will positively impact the rate of cell regeneration leading to better, stronger hair and a reduction in the recovery period. Lack of good nutrition will lead to cell membrane dysfunction, which prevents and limits hair growth. Ensure that your meals are packed with vitamins A, C, E, B complex, Zinc, and Iron. 
Recovery and Maintenance 
All rules regarding asepsis and antisepsis in any microsurgical procedure also apply to hair restoration Toronto transplant. If the transplant is done under sterile conditions, the possibility of infection is minimal. While the recovery period depends on an individual, it takes a year for most patients. 
In the first week, you might experience mild discomfort due to swelling and bleeding. However, the prescribed medication should help alleviate the pain. You will also get antibiotics to control inflammation and infections. 
Washing your hair after transplant
After the third-day post-surgery, you can wash your hair using your doctor's recommended shampoos and lotions. The crust that forms after transplants will be completely removed through washing by the end of two weeks. Avoid extreme activities that might lead to a spike in blood pressure. This includes sports activities, sexual activities, and rough scalp scrubbing. 
Hair restoration Toronto is possible with the right procedure and aftercare guidelines. Follow the above guidelines for a successful hair transplant and a smooth recovery process.