Toronto Hair Loss Treatment: Ways to Avoid Hair Loss in Men

12/07/2022 14:50
According to research, at least two-thirds of men suffer from male pattern baldness. Out of this number, at least 50% experience significant hair loss by 35 years. This hair loss is due to natural and lifestyle factors. Luckily, there are some measures you can take to slow down the process or make your  Toronto hair loss treatment  a success. Read on. 
Avoid Hot Showers 
Extremely hot showers cause significant damage to the scalp. This is because the hot water strips off the essential oils in the hair that helps protect against inflammation and dryness. While there is no direct relationship between hot showers and hair loss, it is known that scalp inflammation causes miniaturization of the hair follicle, causing hair thinning. 
Change Hair Styling Products 
In a research, people who use styling gels and other hair styling products suffered significant hair loss compared to those that do not. Styling products contain substances that get trapped in the hair follicles for long; thus, new hair finds it challenging to come to the surface. Instead of using the styling products daily, go for natural styling products with few chemicals, if any. 
Using a Laser Comb 
Alongside your regular Toronto hair loss treatment regimen, your doctor may suggest using a laser comb. According to research carried out on 100 men with a hair loss pattern, 80% recorded a significant increase in hair density after six months of using the laser comb, at least thrice a week. Since low-power laser energy has antioxidant effects on hair follicles, constant use stimulates the growth of new follicles with stronger hair. 
While there are plenty of over-the-counter medicine and natural ways of treating hair loss, the best and the only sure way is through a proper Toronto hair loss treatment. DIY methods might worsen the situation and cost you more to reverse the effects.