Types of Women’s Hair Loss Toronto

09/12/2019 10:36
It is common for people to shed about 75-100 hair strands per day. A typical hair growth cycle lasts for 2-6 years, and your scalp can regrow hair in about twelve weeks. Some women, however, shed more than 100 hair strands daily, leading to bald spots. Excessive hair loss is known as alopecia and is often a consequence of an underlying body issue. Either way, women’s hair loss Toronto is tough to handle since it affects their overall appearance and is often the initial thing people will notice. Here are the types of female hair loss you might have.
Androgenic Alopecia
This is characterized by a widening of your hair’s parting and the general thinning of your crown. Though often caused by hormone imbalance typical in pregnancy and menopause, androgenic alopecia is also genetic. Treatment for this type of women’s hair loss Toronto is primarily aimed at restoring your hormonal balance by boosting estrogen and progesterone levels.
Telogen Effluvium
This is common in cases when your body undergoes traumatic events like stress, major surgery, severe infections, malnutrition, or childbirth. General hair thinning all over your scalp characterizes telogen effluvium. Though most cases of the condition are self-limiting, a treatment regimen that addresses its root cause is essential. You might, for instance, have dietary supplements prescribed for malnutrition or psychological counseling for stress.
Thyroid-Related Thinning
This causes the uniform thinning of hair on your scalp. In some instances, it also affects your hair texture and makes it extra soft or coarse and dry. Treatment in thyroid-related thinning will first stabilize your thyroxine levels. In so doing, it boosts your hair density.
The above types of women’s hair loss Toronto need not be among the issues that affect your self-esteem and appearance. They can be treated naturally in specialized centers. This negates the side-effects you might suffer from most of the conventional solutions available for hair loss.